b'tHe silo Hotel park Hotel tokyocape town, south africa tokyo, JapanCelebrate art, design, and architecture at TheA ten-story-high glass-topped atrium dotted Silo Hotel overlooking Cape Towns Victoria &with artworks rises above the Park Hotels main Alfred waterfront. This chic hotel is built abovelobby. This Shiodome business district Tokyo a historic grain silo and the Zeitz museum ofproperty holds art exhibitions throughout the Contemporary Art Africa. It resembles a modernyear in its various lobbies. Exhibition spaces art museum with artworks of some of Africasextend through the corridors of floors 26 to most talented and distinguished contemporary34, and you can stroll through them as if you artists filling public spaces. Pieces in the lobbywere in a museum. Art pieces change with include a sculptural chandelier by Haldanethe seasons and are available for guests to PHoToS: THE SILo HoTEL, PARk HoTEL TokYomartin and a mask by Cyrus kabiru, made frompurchase. for the complete Japanese aesthetic waste found on nairobis streets. Around theexperience, get a room on the 31st floor (the hotel, youll find many commissioned artworks,artists floor). Here, the walls of every room are and in the basement, The Vault, a small, exclu- adorned with contemporary Japanese art. The sive art gallery. Additionally, the building hasrooms are the artists canvas, with paintings a unique bulging glass-paneled exterior, whilecreated directly on the walls, representing each interiors are adorned with gorgeous, handcraft- artists view of the world. At the restaurant, food ed furniturefrom the 6th-century conciergeartists create cocktails, desserts, and dishes desk to handmade headboards in every room.that complement the art pieces of the ongoing The Silo also offers guests private museum artexhibition. Theres also an on-site and online art tours to learn about the African art scene. shop selling the traditional crafts of Japan. HIGHLIGHT: The Vault, an underground privateHIGHLIGHT: Rooms on the 31st floor where art gallery artists have painted directly on the walls hayesandjarvis.co.uk/south-africa hayesandjarvis.co.uk/japanTRuE VoYAGES\x1a 23'