b'Alebrijes in Museo de Arte Popular otHer MuseuMsmexico City has numerous museums of all kinds. fans of frida kahlo can also include Museo dolores olmedo on their list. The enormous national Museum of anthropology, in Chapultepec Park, is the citys most visited. It contains archaeological and ethnographic artifacts from Polyforum Culturalmexicos pre-Hispanic heritage, Siqueiros with exhibits spread over more than 20 halls. dont miss the Stone of the Sun (or the Aztec calendar stone) and the Aztec xochipilli statue.Also in Chapultepec is the Museo Rufino Tamayo, found-ed by artist Rufino Tomayo, with contemporary art pieces he and his wife collected. The collection has works by Pablo Picasso, francis Bacon, Roy Lichtenstein, Andy warhol, Georgia okeefe and others. PHoToS: CBL62/PuBLIC domAIn (nATIonAL PALACE), AdAm JonES/CC BY-SA 2.0 (muSEo dIEGo RIVERA),RCuELLARA/CC BY-SA 4.0 (CEnTRAL LIBRARY), Ed fLAdunG/CC BY-nd 2.0/fLICkR (ALEBRIJES)Temporary exhibitions, open-air jazz performances, and expert lectures are also held here.for fantastic displays of modern mexican art from 1930 onwards, head to Museo de The History of Mexico at thearte Moderno (in ChapultepecMuseo Mural National Palace Park). Its permanent exhibitionDiego Riverahas artworks of masters like frida kahlo, Julio Castellanos, david Alfaro Siqueiros, and Jos Clemente orozco.Museo de arte popular, housed in an art deco building in the city centre, is dedicated to mexicos folk art and handicraft traditions. Here, you will find indigenous pottery, textiles, and folk art exhibits. once a year, the museum hosts a night parade of large carved figures called alebrijes. Hayes & Jarvis arranged everything for our trip. All we had to do was enjoy the experience.Central Library at Frida Kahlo MuseumCarol Stephenson, UK University of MexicoTRuE VoYAGES\x1a 39'