b'arTJames Golding& TravelDirector of SalesOur world would be deprived of murals, or performances of traditional countless great works of art if artistsmasked dancesart is truly everywhere. and writing geniusesfrom HemingwayThough there are numerous stunning to Goethe, van Gogh to Georgia OKeefemuseums around the world, many worthy had not been inspired to travel to newof a trip in their own right, sometimes, places. To this day, artists are drawnyoull see, we dont even have to leave to exotic destinations, to cultures theyour hotel to encounter a visual treat.dont know, and to people who broaden their perspectives with different ways ofAt Hayes & Jarvis, we believe that living, acting, and thinking. planning a trip is an art in itself. It takes experience, in-depth knowledge, Fortunately, we dont all have to beand creativity to design a trip that gifted painters, writers, musicians, orlets our guests expand their horizons, dancers to find similar inspiration andstimulates their minds, and sparks enrichment in travel. Those of us whotheir imaginations. We have dedicated experience new places and culturesourselves to this art for over 70 years may produce individual works of art ofand continue to hone our skills to create enormous personal value: often withthe best tours for you. Just as the beauty our smartphones or more traditionalof art is in the eye of the beholder, each cameras. But above all, we createperson seeks something different from significant personal art in the form ofa perfect trip. Thats why we plan and unforgettable memories stored in ourdevelop each journey with great attention heads and hearts, always ready for anto detail and a keen sense of our guests internal exhibition. personal interests and preferences. PHOTOS: VIKTORIA NIEZHENTSEVA ON UNSPLASH (TULIPS AT GUGGENHEIM BILBAO)We want you to have a one-of-a-kind This inner exhibition of travelexperience that generates unforgettable experiences expands further thememories and leaves lasting impressions.more we travel. Our memories capture landscapes, buildings, monuments,In 1786, the great German literary and magical encounters with otherfigure Goethe had just spent a month people. As you browse this magazine,in Italy when he wrote, Nothing can be youll find suggestions for travelcompared to the new life that a reflective experiences rooted in a variety ofperson experiences on the discovery artistic impressionsfrom ancient caveof another country. Although I am still paintings to religious sculptures, frommyself, I believe I have changed to the indigenous woodcarvings to modernmarrow of my bones. Over 230 years outdoor art installations. When we travel,later, its a sentiment about the art and we may come across political streetheart of travel that still rings true. TRUE VOYAGES\x1a 3'