b'1. apeWinel Japadsan 2. Atacama Desert, ChileC Hak one,1. Hakone open-air Museum in Japan is an outdoor gallery with a rich collection of sculptures and installations by leading artists. 2. la Mano del desierto or Hand of the desert is a 11-metre-tall art installation in Chiles Atacama desert by mario Irarrzabal. 3. The 122-metre garuda Wisnu kencana in Bali, Indonesia, depicts the Hindu God Vishnu atop the mythical eagle Garuda. 4. Bronze figures with voluptuous proportions by celebrated artist Fernando botero grace PHoToS: AxP-PHoToGRAPHY on unSPLASH (BRAZIL), PIxABAY (JAPAn, CoLomBIA, nEw ZEALAnd)Botero Square in medelln, Colombia.5. parque das runas is a public park and art gallery atop a peak in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 6. Maori wood carvings with traditional facial tattoos are found all over new Zealand. This one near Rotorua 3. Bali, Indonesia portrays legendary lovers. 4. Medelln, Colombia5. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 6. Whakarewarewa village, New ZealandTRuE VoYAGES\x1a 9'