b'Art & Travele r r whereA ei The images, sculptures, paintings, v t y and art forms we encounter around s every corner let us explore cultures, traditions, and contemporary life in unique ways.outdoor sculpturesopen-air artworks, installations, and sculpture gardens add drama to any place or destination. While new exhibits may replace old ones and the landscape is often changing, theres great joy in experiencing these outdoor art galleries on any holiday.side crePHoTditoS: AxP-PHoToGRAPHY on unSPLASH (BRAZIL), PIxABAY (JAPAn, CoLomBIA, nEw ZEALAnd)sun voyager or solfar, a gleaming stainless-steel sculpture on Reykjaviks waterfront, is by Jn Gunnar rnason. It is an interpretation of a dreamboat and an ode to the sun, and though it resembles a ship, it is not one. Reykjavik, Iceland8 \x1a HAYES JARVIS'