b'Art & TravelPalacio de Bellas ArtesPHoToS: LoGAn/AdoBE SToCk (PALACIo), PIxABAY (muSEo SomAYA), AndRES oRdAZ-VEGA/ PExELS (EL CABALLITo),ALEJAndRo LInA RESGARCIA/CC BY-SA 3.0 (PoLYfoRum CuLTuRAL SIquEIRoS)the famous urban park Alameda Central in thephotographs, personal items, and more.background. not far away Museo casa estudio diego The palacio de bellas artes culturalrivera y Frida kahlo consists of two house centre hosts art and photography exhibitionsstudios commissioned by Rivera and built and theatre, music, and dance events. Theby architect and painter Juan oGorman. The magnificent art deco building is also known forhouses are made of smooth concrete blocks and its murals by various famous mexican artists,joined by a tiny bridge. Rivera, worked in the red-including Diego Rivera, David Siqueiros, Rufinoand-white structure while frida kahlo created tamayo and Jos clemente orozco. On the firsther art in the adjoining blue one. floor of the main hall is Riveras fabulous four- The glistening Museo soumaya is an part carnaval de la vida Mexicana. unmissable architectural icon in the heart of secretara de educacin pblica (ministrymexico City. Its 60,000+ works of art include of Public Education) is a federal government19th and 20th-century mexican artists and building with numerous works by Rivera. on the15th-20th-century European artists. It contains first and second floors, youll find artworks likethe largest collection of sculptures by auguste the Market, Weavers, dyers, and tehuanas,El Caballito steel sculpture rodin outside france. The museum also has a as well as leaving the Mine and thegrand collection of pre-Hispanic and colonial liberation of the peon.coins and a vast quantity of historical and religious documents and relics.Must-see MuseuMs Anahuacalli means house surrounded by Frida kahlo is a powerful icon of mexicanwater in nahuatl (a uto-Aztec language). art, and her brilliant colourful paintings dealThe anahuacalli Museum is a museum of art with themes of being a woman, life and death,designed by diego Rivera. Located in the San and the body. when she died in 1957, herPablo de Tepetlapa neighbourhood of Coyoacn, home was turned into a museum to honourthe impressive architecture has been inspired her work. Situated in the Colonia del Carmenby mesoamerican structures. It houses a vast neighbourhood of Coyoacn, the Frida kahlocollection of pre-Columbian and pre-Hispanic Museum is also called blue House for its artifacts from Riveras personal collection: cobalt facade. ceramic figurines, death masks, and sculptures Rooms of the museum have artworks by fridaof Aztec and Teotihuacan origins. on display kahlo, diego Rivera, and other artists. They alsoMuseo Soumaya are 16 sketches of different murals by Rivera, contain mexican folk art, pre-Hispanic artifacts,showcasing his draftsmanship skills. 38 \x1a HAYES JARVIS'