b'Art & TravelFood Souvenirs talk to our from Vietnam expertMark larwoodmark.l@hayesandjarvis.co.uk +44 203 885 1406take a slice of Vietnam home with you when you buy these ingredients and food souvenirs. tea coFFeeGreen tea enhanced with theAfter Brazil, Vietnam is the scent of lotus petals is lovedsecond-largest producer of across Vietnam, as is lotuscoffee (primarily robusta) plumule tea (tr tim sen), anglobally. Companies such as infusion of the heart of theHanoi-based oriberry Coffee lotus seed. Another favouritehelp indigenous and ethnic is artichoke tea from da Lat inminorities in the rural parts of the Central Highlands. Teasthe country bring their coffee make perfect gifts and are ato urban markets. You can refreshing reminder of youralso buy Trung nguyen coffee trip to this Asian nation.beans or ground coffee, from Vietnams biggest producer.young green rice cakes FisH sauceHanoian families make aNc mm is a Vietnamese fish variety of goodies usingsauce made from fermented cm, which is young greensalted fish (mainly black rice (basically immatureanchovies). The condiment may rice kernels that have beenbe smelly, but it is essential roasted), and often mungto Vietnamese cooking. Phu beans. Buy the sweet, flat,Quoc island and Phan Thit are green glutinous squares fromknown for their high quality oToS: ditHoAnG on unSPLASH (CoffEE), AkIYoSHI mATSuokA/CC BY/SA 4.0 (fISH SAuCE) side cre PHshops along Hng Than Streetfish sauce, and the Red Boat in Hanoi. However, since thesebrand is considered among cakes dont have a long shelfthe best. life, buy them on your last day and consume them withinblack peppera week. Pepper plantations all over the southern island of Phu quoc dried Fruits produce some of Vietnams It is no surprise that freshbest peppercorns. The black, tropical fruits are the mostwhite, and red peppercorns are eaten snack in Vietnam. Saltedall rich in fragrance and known and sugared dried fruits arefor their warm, pungent, and a great way to take some offruity flavour.these flavours home with you. Choose from an array ofcoconut candydried fruits, including banana,Hailing from the Ben Tre mango, jackfruit, dragon fruit,province in the mekong delta, passionfruit, papaya, tamarind,coconut candy is an ideal gift and guava.for loved ones. It comes in an assortment of flavours, with pandan being all the rage.hayesandjarvis.co.uk/vietnam58 \x1a HAYES JARVIS'