b'art is an integral part of Mexico city. This great city gave us frida kahlo and showcases the grand murals of diego Rivera in its public spaces. Its a place of fascinating museums for folk art, design, and architecture. our list will make it easier for you to explore the city through its art. And no, you dont have to be an expert in art history or a connoisseur of designPlastic sculpture in to appreciate the visual treat that isPolancomexico City. street art Muralswalk through the city and discover its ever- In the late 1920s, in an attempt to unify changing cutting-edge contemporary streetthe country post-revolution, the mexican art. In the roma and condesa neighbourhoods,government commissioned famous local talented artists from mexico and around theartists to create murals. This led to the world have left their mark through dramatic,mexican muralism movement. Take a guided vibrant artworks. many of the stunning muralswalk through the city centre to view many of highlight political and social themes. The centrothese iconic murals in public spaces, including Histrico district is also great for murals, oftengovernment buildings and schools. seen in front of outdoor bars and cafs. Streethayesandjarvis.co.uk/ most famous is diego Riveras the History art is not restricted to these areas. In many partsmexico of Mexico at the national palaces courtyard. of the city, if you venture out before shops openThis mural, spread over three sections, features PHoToS: PIxABAY (PoLAnCo), mARIA fuEnTES on unSPLASH (PRoTEST STREET ART)or once they close, youll see lots of murals onintricate paintings of the people of mexico the metal rolldown shutters of stores. from their pre-Hispanic origins to the middle of the 20th century. At the polyforum cultural siqueiros, you will find a huge mural painted by david alfaro siqueiros, called la Marcha de la Humanidad, while the external walls of the talk to ourcentral library of the national autonomous expert university of Mexico (unaM), are covered in beth coombs murals by Juan ogorman.bethany.c@ with celebrity status in the international art hayesandjarvis.co.uk+44 203 885 1328 world, diego rivera is perhaps mexicos most famous painter. Though he was commissioned to paint frescoes and murals worldwide, many of his most iconic pieces are in mexico City. Besides the masterpiece at the national palace, you can see outstanding murals by Rivera in other parts of mexico City.The Museo Mural diego rivera, in the historic centre of the city, houses the artists 194647 mural, dream of a sunday afternoon in the alameda central (Sueo de una tarde dominical en la Alameda Central). The mural depicts more than 100 people, including famous Protest street art icons of mexico, walking and talking with street vendors, regular folks, and revolutionaries, with TRuE VoYAGES\x1a 37'