b'ancHorageAlaskas largest museum, the anchorage Museum at rasmuson center, is a huge building in downtown Anchorage that allows visitors to explore the history and diversity of Alaskas indigenous cultures. The museums various sections include art of the north, a contemporary art gallery filled with art, carving, photography, and sculptures by iconic Alaskan artists. The Anchorage museum collaborates with artists and the local community to install art in Sealaska Heritage Institute, Juneau public spaces. for example, you cant miss downtown Anchorages colourful murals that highlight and honour Alaskas indigenous cultures. In the main building of the alaska native Heritage center, explore a gallery of native art and artefacts, including traditional clothing, kayaks, and baskets. The Center also hosts native storytellers and dancers for diverse performances. JuneauPHoToS: RICHARd n HoRnE/CC BY-SA 4.0 (SEALASkA BuILdInG), BRunSfAm/CC BY-SA 3.0 (SCHoPPERT ARTwoRk),GEoRGE CHACon/CC BY-SA 3.0 (CAnoE)Alaskas capital Juneau is most well-known for its natural beauty, but it is also a place of history, art, music, and native heritage, with numerous museums, art galleries, murals, and sculptures. The alaska state Museum has an extensive collection of art, objects, and artefacts from Alaskan Inuit, Athabascan, Aleut, and northwest Coast groups. Youll find Inuit baskets dating back Blueberries by Tlingit artist James Schoppert, Anchorage Museum, Anchorage thousands of years, a collection of carved ivory from prehistoric times to the 20th century, and an Anchorage Museum, Anchorage outstanding collection of native artworks. The sealaska Heritage institutes stunning Walter soboleff buildingis a special place and a work of art in its own right, with 40-foot art panels on its facade. The building has spaces for art demonstrations, exhibits, anda traditional painted cedar Tsimshian Clan House. It houses many artworks and installations by prominent native artists. The adjoining sealaska Heritage store is a fantastic place to buy native Alaskan art, jewellery, carvings and other keepsakes as souvenirs andgifts. TRuE VoYAGES\x1a 55'